Japans Komomura corp , has released a new version of its digital tribute to the legendary twin-lens Rolliflex 6*6, first introduced in 1929. The mini Digi AF is 5 mp (although its interpolated from a 3 MP sensor), and produces images in the classic Rollei square format. You flip up the hood atop the camera and look down to compose a scene, on the tiny but clear 1.1 TFT screen.

While most of the handsome chrome-and-aluminum styling is not functional, you actually do have to wind the crank a full turn to prepare the camera’s next shot! While there are no scene modes and no flash, and the shutter lag is a drag, the experts at popphoto.com nevertheless admire the nostalgia factor: “Think of it as the ultimate photographic conversation piece: something to bust out at the family reunion, camera club social, or anywhere old-time photographers are likely to gather and talk shop. It is cute, it is cool, and it can actually grab a few photons for good measure.” At $399, it’s a pricey guilty pleasure, but a welcome antidote to our current regime of point-and-shoot conformity.